

When you place an order, we immediately send you at least one email from [email protected]. If you do not see our email, please check your spam box.


If you have ANY questions, please email us at [email protected]. We will always be happy to help.


All our products come with a 100% 60-day Money-Back Guarantee. We guarantee to refund your payment in full if you request a refund anytime within 60 days. No questions asked! And you don’t even have to return your purchase (this applies to all products). To request a refund, simply write to [email protected].


How you receive ebooks

You receive all ebooks by downloading from a link that you receive in TWO ways:

1. on our website — After you place your order, you will see our Order Received page. Under “Order Details”, click your ebook title NEXT TO Download, like this:

2. by email — You will also receive an immediate email. Please click your ebook title NEXT TO Download, like this:

If you have any trouble downloading an ebook, please email us at [email protected]. We will very quickly send you your ebook as an email attachment.

Our ebooks are in the universal .PDF format, which you can read on all platforms. When you purchase an ebook from EnglishClub you are granted a single-user licence. You may transfer your ebook to another device that you own, for example from your PC to your iPad. If you ever lose your ebook, please email us and we will help.

Please note: we sell ebooks NOT books. Ebooks are “electronic books” which you download as shown above. Please don’t wait for the postman to bring one of our ebooks to your door 🙂