Tara Benwell

Community is so important in life. When you feel like you are part of something, you thrive.

Tara Benwell is an English-language teacher and materials writer based in Canada. She is a long-standing member of the EnglishClub team, and has been contributing materials and support behind the scenes and on the front lines since 2003. You are undoubtedly familiar with Tara's voice if you listen to EnglishClub podcasts, including her weekly episodes of Listen to News and Interesting Facts.

Tara is an active member in the #ELT online community and maintains EnglishClub's social media presence on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+. She participates in ELT conferences on behalf of EnglishClub and administers our own social network, MyEnglishClub. Since 2008, Tara has been challenging MyEC bloggers (learners and teachers) to take her monthly Writing Challenge.

In addition to contributing written and audio materials, Tara is the Site Awards editor for EnglishClub and our sister site TEFL.net. Her mini-reviews of useful sites for language learning are used by learners and teachers around the world.

Outside of ELT, Tara writes materials for the toy industry. She also writes fiction, and has published a novel and a number of storybook apps, including Happy Camper Books and an adaptation of The Velveteen Rabbit.

screenshots - The Velveteen Rabbit   front cover - The Proper Order of Things

Be sure to add Tara as your friend on MyEC! You can also follow Tara @tarabenwell on Twitter and find out more on her personal website and blog.

Tara Benwell