English Language Reference

English collocations, with example sentences, notes and quizzes
Conversational Phrases
Everyday expressions, with example sentences, notes and quizzes
Doublespeak Examples
List of about fifty English doublespeak examples, each with a definition, example sentences, notes and quick quiz question
Dysphemism Examples
Dysphemisms - the opposite of euphemisms. For each dysphemism you'll find a definition, example sentences, notes and quick quiz question.
Euphemism Examples
A selection of English euphemisms, with example sentences, notes and quizzes
English idiomatic expressions, with example sentences, notes and quizzes.
Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs with example sentences, notes and quizzes
Quotations in English, with author, notes and vocabulary
Sayings and proverbs, with interpretations, notes and quizzes
English slang words, with examples, notes, warnings and quizzes
Nouns that are Count and Noncount
Nouns with countable and uncountable meaning, with examples and quizzes
List of Eponyms
English eponyms list, with example sentences, notes and quizzes
Some religious and cultural festivals celebrated in various countries
Power of 7
A light-hearted look at English vocabulary and curiosities
Teacher's Notes
Including tips for classroom quizzes and games