My New Year’s Resolution for 2021

Posted by: Josef Essberger
What have you resolved to do?

We have a new year, like a new page in a book. Or a new chapter of our life. We all try to resolve to do something that we think will benefit us or others. This is our new year’s resolution. Here are some of the most popular resolutions that people make – maybe they will give you some ideas:

  • Play more
  • Lose weight
  • Quit alcohol
  • Get organized
  • Exercise more
  • Save more money
  • Learn something new
  • Write a Business Plan
  • Live life to the fullest
  • Visit EnglishClub every day (lol)
  • Spend more time with family and friends

Have you made a new year’s resolution yet? What have you resolved to do?

er (interjection): expressing hesitation
resolution (noun): something that we have resolved to do
resolve (verb): decide and promise to do; commit to doing
benefit (verb): add something of value; be an advantage

Posted by Josef Essberger January 2021
Josef founded EnglishClub for learners and teachers of English in 1997


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