Banned Books in 2019

Books have been banned throughout history, from the ancient Chinese and Roman empires to the Catholic Church throughout Europe from the 1500s onwards.

You may not realize, however, that books are still frequently banned today.

From North Korea’s ban on the Qur’an to United Arab Emirates’ censorship of George Orwell’s classic Animal Farm to Iran’s ban on Paula Coelho’s The Alchemist, books are still being restricted around the world. 

Banned Books Week begins next Monday (September 22-28). It is an annual awareness campaign promoted by the American Library Association and Amnesty International that celebrates the freedom to read and draws attention to banned and challenged books. 

In the spirit that people should be able to read whatever they want, Global English Editing have created this great map highlighting banned books around the world.

You can also read a description of each book and the reasons behind their ban in Global English Editing’s full post here.

Written by Isabel Cabrera for EnglishClub | September 2019



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